Lesson 11 - The Secret of Life
If what you define as you is inseparable from everything you define as not you. Just as front is inseparable from back.
Then deep down between self and other, there is some sort of conspiracy or connection. If these things always occur in combination, and look and feel different from each other. Nevertheless the feeling of difference between them is what allows each other to exist.
Just as I talked before about how you might never be able to understand yourself, and maybe the key to understanding yourself is to let go of your authentic vulnerable self and let others reflect back your true self. Because Self and Others are inherently connected.
A wise Rabbi once said "if I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you, we are connected."
Ever try to cut a magnet in half? To try and eliminate the negative pole? What happens?
You cannot have space which is unoccupied by any solid, even when we looked where we were sure there was nothing but empty space, something was there.
Just as you cannot have any planets or solids not occupy some empty space. They take up some empty space. This is absolutely elementary and yet we don’t realize it because the average person thinks that space is nothing.
A sort of not there-ness in which there are things. And we are slightly afraid that not there-ness, that nothing-ness, that darkness, that the negative pole of all these oppositions will win.
That they will eventually swallow up every being, every there-ness, every positiveness. But when you catch on to the game, you realize that won’t happen. Because what is called not existing, is quite incapable of being there without the contrast of something called existing.
It’s like the crest and trough of a wave, you cannot have a wave that is all trough and no crest, just like you cannot have a wave that is all crest and no trough.
Such a thing has never been manifested in the physical universe.
They go together.
And that is the secret.
There is no other secret than that.
Let me say it again. It’s like the crest and trough of a wave, you cannot have a wave that is all trough and no crest, just like you cannot have a wave that is all crest and no trough.
Such a thing has never been manifested in the physical universe.
That is the secret to life.
And anyone who has ever been in a business or relationship knows this.
You just don't accept it into every part of your life yet.
Things only feel up, because at one time you felt down.
If any of these resonate with you and your journey: