
My story about Synchronicity.

I've been on my journey of Mindful self discovery for over 10 years now. 

Everything I read and learned was very helpful to me, but the way I discovered Alan Watts is true synchronicity when I needed it. 

I wish I knew exactly how I found my favorite artist, Hayden Canlin, but it was the A.I. of Pandora that introduced me to Hayden Calnin.

Then, my wife and I stayed at a Zen Buddhist lodge near Muir Woods California. I was nearing 40, and about to become a Dad for the first time. 

When a background voice track of a new song I downloaded for the trip, introduced me to the man who would become my mentor in life.


I didn't know at the time that he passed before I was born, or that his ashes were scattered beneath my feet at that Zen lodge while I discovered him. 

But he started me on this journey to reduce the number of regrets I will have at the end of my life.


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 “The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes--or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face Lighting a little Hour or two--is gone.”   ― Omar Khayyám, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

“The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes--or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face Lighting a little Hour or two--is gone.”
Omar Khayyám, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam