2021 Tarot Contest October Results

 1. I thought we had a lot of great readings this month, which is why we decided to have a Top 5 and let the Querent sort it out. I know she was very appreciative of all the time and care taken for her question and situation. 

2. I love seeing the different reading styles and decks!

Shoutout to Kelly from the US (Hawaii) for introducing me to the Angel Tarot deck.

I love the idea of a "less scary" deck, and I may have to get one for some first time readings or younger clients. 

"This is the first deck of tarot cards created that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy! All of the words in this deck, as well as the illustrations by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot."

October Winner - Jo from the UK:

The other Top 5 readings this month:

Nicola from the UK:

Watch on One Drive


Zoe from Australia:

Heidi from the US:

Dorothy Grace from Australia: